So, Daran Hill makes no response to the "devolution deniers". The Labour government closes down debate and Daran raises the questions of lack of transparency and lack good democracy and lack of scrutiny.
How hypocritical to not engage with those of us that enter into the debate. How, selective; exclusive. How undemocratic to publish a debate about the exact same thing that he wants to talk about and then not talk about it with people who feared it would happen.
Are we invisible? Does our opinion not matter? We, the people, opposed more powers to the assembly. We opposed creating more politicians when there were so many politicians in local government closing down debate and reducing freedoms.
Daran, you were warned. Voices spoke out loud and clear in 2011 and now not even you are able to scrutinise the behemoth.
Daran Hill is from Positif (sic) Politics, for more read about them (retrieved 1/10/15)
One quote from this document I find ironic:
" 'Positif' is the Welsh word for 'positive' and reflects our outlook and the way we do business. We are an open, transparent, responsible and ethical company and our core mission is to make a positive difference for our clients and the people of Wales."
Open and transparent as long as you don't challenge contemporary thinking.
Diversity is the magic, let unity be the joy.
Diversity is the magic, let unity be the joy.