Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Welsh Affairs

Diversity is the magic, let unity be the joy.

So, Daran Hill makes no response to the "devolution deniers". The Labour government closes down debate and Daran raises the questions of lack of transparency and lack good democracy and lack of scrutiny.

How hypocritical to not engage with those of us that enter into the debate. How, selective; exclusive. How undemocratic to publish a debate about the exact same thing that he wants to talk about and then not talk about it with people who feared it would happen.

Are we invisible? Does our opinion not matter? We, the people, opposed more powers to the assembly. We opposed creating more politicians when there were so many politicians in local government closing down debate and reducing freedoms.

Daran, you were warned. Voices spoke out loud and clear in 2011 and now not even you are able to scrutinise the behemoth.

Daran Hill is from Positif (sic) Politics, for more read about them (retrieved 1/10/15)

One quote from this document I find ironic:

" 'Positif' is the Welsh word for 'positive' and reflects our outlook and the way we do business. We are an open, transparent, responsible and ethical company and our core mission is to make a positive difference for our clients and the people of Wales."

Open and transparent as long as you don't challenge contemporary thinking.

Diversity is the magic, let unity be the joy.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Not democracy. No even close.

"I sincerely, genuinely and passionately want to be much more proud of our Welsh democracy than I actually am. Having sweated as National Organiser of Yes for Wales in 1997 and Campaign Director during the 2011 powers referendum, I want to feel enthused and enamoured of how our Welsh democracy is notably better, more transparent and more responsive. But frankly I can’t be because on so many levels it is so deeply disappointing" (Darran Hill, IWA, 2015 retrieved from

Now, I don't want to be all cliche and obvious BUT I TOLD YOU SO!!!

and then...

"But, you know what, I just don’t care. Because sometimes you get to the point where things have ended up so disappointing you that you just speak out and damn the consequences. So that’s what I’m doing – transparently, openly, and bluntly." (Darran Hill, IWA, 2015 retrieved from

Now, I am no fan of the YES campaign for more powers for the assembly, and many individuals, such as me, objected to placing more powers in the hands of people who would wield it carelessly and wield it for party political reasons not for the benefit of people, individuals and progress.

Here we have the less than transparent political commentary team complaining about a lack of transparency because they are now in the dark about decision making. Imagine if you will what it must be like for numerous people who cannot get their point of view across the plethora of doting forms of media in Wales because they are censored.

However, I agree with IWA - Yuk! But they are right. CAR WYN UN or Comrade Carwyn's Labour government are blind to the disgust we have for them as a political force.  The British people rejected Labour policy, rejected the system of blind faith and closed decision making. Rejected large government. You know what some British people are Welsh too. 

Bilingual anthem for a bilingual nation

"I am Welsh, I do not speak Cymraeg. I do not need to speak Cymraeg to be Welsh." Whistleblow3r 2011

Wales is bilingual. There are two official languages in Wales, yes, that's right, two official languages as decreed by "Welsh Law".

The anthem, the national anthem is monolingual. Yes it is sung in only one language. The lyrics were written in 1856 when Wales was quite simply a different place. In 1905 it was sung at a sporting event.

Now Wales is bilingual it is high time a new anthem was constructed to reflect the people of Wales and from Wales in the 21st century because:

"Bilingual anthem for a bilingual Wales, anything else is oppression" (Whistleblow3r 2015)

Monday, 28 September 2015

Censorship in Wales

Why has this post not been published by the institute of welsh affairs?

Learn CREATE share.

When creation is language irrelevant; ideas, thoughts, blessings and expression, it is empowering. When creation is contrived and controlled by policy, politician, poliwomble, publicity and postulates it is just painting by numbers.
Let’s recommend the ‘Power of One’ to a 42 year old, no a 15 year old girl, boy, wife, mother, brother, father. To kill a mocking bird – “a fabulous book” – where/who is Alexander Cordell?
Who is Michael Crichton?
In my humble opinion, until Wales addresses the dichotomy of bilingualism, learn, create, share and the most important is creation: is contrived and controlled by policy, politician, poliwomble, publicity and postulates.
Literacy in ENGLISH is IMPORTANT. Say it ALOUD, OUT LOUD. PAY SOMEONE TO CHAMPION ENGLISH in wales for wales is a little word, an unimportant word, a word not worth capitalising; for english, in Wales is not worth capitalising either.