Saturday, 20 February 2016


Out of touch is an understatement

Carwyn Jones has just not got a clue.
For all of his well meaning and he has missed a simple truth, increased coercion has led to decreased use of Cyrmaeg and in some cases an overt decision to avoid Cymraeg at all.
  • No bilingual anthem in a bilingual nation.
  • No appetite for local authority change deemed necessary by the voting public. 
  • No real benefits exhibited from having additional law making powers controversially thrust upon Welsh people when, "A mere 35.6% of the electorate voted in the 2011 Assembly referendum" Williamson (2014) -

Turn out graph

2011 referendum turn-out of 35.6% demonstrates the sheer lack of engagement in Welsh politics and the resignation that LABOUR pours derision on individual needs and wants. 

The Welsh electorate consistently do not engage with Labour and do not engage with politics, so reduce the political influence in line with participation. When your shoe doesn't fit you don't change your foot.

Tory Policy for the Assembly election

"Voters across Wales have a clear choice: between changing to a better future or sticking to the same old ideas from Welsh Labour that simply aren’t working.
Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party have been in power in Wales for 17 years and now they're asking for another five years to make the same mistakes over again. The only way to get real change is to vote Welsh Conservative. The other parties in Wales have propped them up time and time again and will continue to do so."


Consulting the public. It is fair to say that UKIP has an idea about how the UK relates to Europe and to immigration.

Labour is anti-individual 

It stands against freedoms and opposes responsibility for individuals. As far as Labour is concerned all that matters is collective representation and thus individual free will is ignored entirely. They "consulted" like UKIP, but are they to be trusted again after 17 years of public spending and isolationist thinking?

Plaid Policy

Social responsibility frames the direction. No word of individuals choices, free will, inventiveness, inspiration. Just plain and simple politics of envy a reactionary agenda spawned in the early days of Leanne's involvement in the international socialist movement. Innovation is mentioned, woo hoo, BUT in relation to a Welsh language news service, so no innovation for English speakers then.

as an after thought..


The overly burdensome public services created under Labour hegemony keeps people in poverty, strangles prosperity and redistributes the fruits of the workers to the work shy.

  • REDUCE the level of policial interference
  • REDUCE taxation
  • REDUCE public services in line with what can be afforded
  • REDUCE curriculum content

  • INCREASE choice
  • INCREASE freedoms
  • INCREASE fairness 
  • INCREASE responsibility
STOP and THINK  will giving away more of your hard earned wages make for a better WALES. It hasn't up until now.